Forum: Beyond Order Insight Inquiry

By aparimana

Thursday 18th July 2024, 7:30pm to 9pm on Zoom, open to any Order Member Many Order Members have now completed Order Insight Inquiry, or Liberation Unleashed (the non-Triratna site that inspired OII). In this forum we would like to explore what has happened afterwards. Has there been a change in your practice? Or day-to-day lived…

Forum: The Four Sunyatas in Practice and Experience

By aparimana

Thursday 21st March 7:30pm to 9pm GMT on Zoom, open to any Order Member We will be looking at the teaching of the Four Sunyatas. This rarely discussed teaching, originally presented in Sangharakshita’s Eightfold Path series, is a hidden gem, with great relevance to anyone exploring the path of insight. We will be approaching the…

Mitras and deeper practice

By aparimana

This is a report based on a forum MIG held in December 2023 You can read Tejananda’s introductory comments (“A History of Insight in Triratna”) here. Mitras experience of working with Insight and deeper practice Thank you to all the mitras who took part in the forum. We very much valued your sharing your experience…

A history of insight in Triratna

By aparimana

A short, personal view by Tejananda These are introductory remarks to a MIG Forum looking at Mitras and deeper practise, held in December 2023. You can read a report on the meeting itself here. ——————————- I’m talking about ‘hands-on’ insight practice from my own point of view. Sangharakshita ’s teachings include a great deal about…

Forum: Insight in the Community – Mitras talking about deeper practice

By aparimana

21 December 2023, 7:30pm – 9:00pm on Zoom An evening, hosted by the Mandala of Insight Group, exclusively for mitras to talk about their experience of practising insight. How can we communicate with our peers about deeper meditation / dharma experience? Can we share something about how we practice more deeply / with insight? What…

Forum: Insight and Ethics

By aparimana

Thursday 4th May, 7:30pm to 9pm BST on Zoom There are many conflicting ideas and assumptions around the relationship between Insight and Ethics. Some questions we would like to discuss: Have you found that your attitude or approach to ethics has changed when insight has opened up? Does insight necessarily lead to more ethical behaviour?…

Forum: Insight and the Trailing Edge

By aparimana

Thursday Feb 23rd 7:30pm to 9pm on Zoom After a new “leading edge” level of insight opens up, insight practitioners are often surprised to discover that, after a “honeymoon period”, old habits and patterns re-emerge – the “trailing edge” of practice. Some questions we would like to discuss: Can insight transform our “trailing edge”, or…

Forum: The variety of Insight practice in Triratna

By aparimana

What has worked, what has not? Forum was held on Wednesday December 21st 2023 Here is a recording of the event: MIG members have written some articles expanding on their presentations, which will hopefully be published soon on a new website dedicated to Insight in Triratna… watch this space!

Forum: What starts us on the path of Insight?

By aparimana

Held 25th August 2022 on Zoom These are the questions we planned to look into: RECORDING 25th August 2022 What Starts us on the Path of Insight? Here are some of the points that came out: Many people have had some kind of extraordinary experience in the past, and recalling that experience, and taking an…